
Dollar Store Adventure Update

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The mirror-framed-mirror has finally found its home in my room. Now, it's more like a mirror-framed-plate. Or maybe a mirror-framed-tray. Mirror-framed-mirror-plate-tray. Say that five times, fast...

So the pile has gone from this (last week)...
To looking like this (today)...

So we've got the squirrels (Part 1, Part 2) and we've got the mirror-framed-mirror-plate-tray-thing (this post). Now, I know you -- so I know you're wondering: "What's going on with the other stuff?!" (Well, okay, you might not be wondering... )

Here's a hint:

"Will you accept this rose?"

See you tomorrow!


  1. I'm in love with the owl sitting on your mirror tray frame plate mirror thing.

  2. Love the mirrored tray! I'm going to join the challenge. I will send you my info in the next day or so. And a picture too :)


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