
I love you.

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Do you remember when I mentioned that my boyfriend manfriend wrote little notes in the book I'm reading on the beach right now? [Here] [Oh, and also when I mentioned that, yes, I know they're from the Young Adults section... but it's an easy, quick beach read and it's a guilty pleasure!  Don't judge!]  Well, this week, as I was reading with my chair in the sand and my butt slowly sank deeper and deeper into the surf with each receding wave, I found this page... 

Cute, right? What a sweet way to say I love you.

I think something like this would be really cute to frame and hang up on a wall or in a frame collage. Right? Planning to do that when I get home... as long as Chris doesn't mind me ripping a page from the book :)


  1. This has to be the cutest thing I have ever ever ever seen! Why can't I find a boy like this!?! I was telling my friends the other day that I wanted a guy that would do small things like this and they laughed at me proceeding with good luck finding that...it doesn't exist. THANK YOU for putting the hope for a *good* guy back into me! ;) newest follower~

  2. Hello most adorable thing ever! What a sweet manfriend:-) xoxo

  3. that is so completely cute. what a great idea!

  4. Oh my goodness, I don't think that could be any cuter! You've got a good one there. :-)

  5. New follower here :)

    That is so cute. One time my husband left a note in the book I was reading, it was so special ♥ It's the little things :)

  6. Aww! That is so sweet! Must have taken him a bit of time to find a page that would have the right words.

    I'm a new follower from http://www.pictureitcreations.blogspot.com

  7. Thank you all so much! :) So cute, I know. It was a special surprise :)

  8. whoa. seriously romantic. and creative. love it.

  9. Oh. my. goodness. Newest follower right here! That is so stinkin' cute! Please tell me your boy has a twin :) Suppper cute blog!

  10. that is cute and imaginative, such a lovely little love note! ~diane @ home sweet homemade

  11. Hi this is Taylor from the Hannah Handmade. I am your newest follower! Just dropping in to say I love your blog and that note is just the sweetest thing ever!! Come follow us back?


  12. Such a sweet idea! Love it, sharing it at my party today:)


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