Hey, friend :)
As I finish my project for the day, I wanted to share something with you. My friend Jennifer has been raising money for a trip to Ethiopia to combat sex trafficking. Last night, when I couldn't sleep at 2am, I suddenly realized that I wanted to help. This woman has been so beautifully blessed that she seeks to take those blessings and multiply them in the lives of others.
In Jennifer's words:
Hillsong United has a line in their song "Hosanna" that says "break my heart for what breaks Yours." Well, in the past few months this has been both a prayer and a reality. God has broken my heart for the people of Ethiopia. I dream about them. I ache to serve them. I cannot wait to be hand in hand with them. Why? In Ethiopia the sex trafficking industry is huge. The Red Light District there is known all around the world for trafficking these girls, some as young as 5 years old. These facts just made me sick to my stomach. The more I have heard about sex trafficking, the less content I am to sit and do nothing. God has really broken my heart for these people and those around the world living under the weight of injustice.
So I am doing something. I am following the call and going to help those in need in Jesus' name. I will be going with a team from ICA to help rescue these girls, feed the starving, love on orphans and much more. The trip is costing me $3750. God has provided in amazing ways, but I still have a long way to go. One thing is for sure, I cannot wait to get there and pour out the blessings that God has poured into my life. We are so blessed with material things in America, and I don't want to waste it all on me! I am praying that this trip is just one step toward moving in towards leaving behind the American Dream and embracing the radical call of Jesus Christ.
How can we help?
Jennifer is selling headbands to raise money for this trip. Stop by her online shop and get one of these beautiful things :)

If you have a website, she is offering paid sponsorships which will provide you with advertising space in exchange for your donation to her mission.
Or, if you feel so inclined, head on over and make a donation.
Thanks for reading :)
Best of luck to Jen on her mission. New follower from the Friday Hop! Please stop by http://aboutamom.com to say hi!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much girlie!