
DIY | When You Break The Wine Cork

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...sucks, doesn't it?!

This weekend, we opened up a bottle of Cabernet from 1982. Apparently, years ago, my great aunt's place flooded and they were forced to move the bottles. Sounds like they were upright for a short period of time... short but just long enough to dry out the cork.

So, when we tried to open this baby, it melted --- I mean crumbled --- into the bottle.


Good thing we had coffee filters :)

Here's how to salvage your cork-filled wine:

Start by grabbing a coffee filter and placing the bottom of it inside the wine glass. Leave an inch or two for the filtered wine to collect. Then, fold the rest of the filter on the outside of the glass to keep it in place.

Pour wine through the coffee filter, slowly.

Wait for a few minutes (the wine needs to filter through) before removing the filter.

Look! Cork-less wine!


  1. It was delicious!!!! Very smooth. Thanks for asking :)

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  3. Where there is a will, there is a way! I have used a coffee filter for the same thing. I put my filter in a funnel and decanted the whole bottle 'cause I knew I would be too lazy to keep going back to filter one glass at a time!

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