
Blueberry & Chambord Patriotic Cocktail

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This cocktail is... complicated. On the front end, a burst of delicious blueberries and black raspberry liqueur speaks of freshness. A moment later, a rich, vanilla flavor creeps in, the remnants of well-infused Chambord.

Summer is, by far, my favorite time of year. I know I'm not alone in this, but I feel it very strongly. I pretty much whine and moan all winter, complaining about how much I despise Chicago winters. I even went down South to Memphis, Tennessee for 4 years of college, and thankfully was able to escape the cold... temporarily. I recall, as a kid, my mom trying to remind us to savor our summer days. And I also remember hearing her once say that, once you reach the 4th of July, summer suddenly speeds up and ends soon.

We only get about 10 weeks of wonderful weather each year in Chicago. And the whole city buzzes and hums and glows with delight.

So this year, on the 4th of July, I plan to take that moment to savor the summer. And to be gosh darn patriotic. Because the safety and comfort of wonderful weather deserves some red, white, and blue. And because, let's face it, what is better than a cocktail that fits the occasion? St. Patty's Bombs on St. Patty's Day. Whiskey Apple Cider in a mug while you sit in front of a fire next fall. And this delicious patriotic cocktail on the 4th of July.

Notice the Chambord? It's a french liqueur made of raspberries, blackberries, various herbs and spices and some vanilla added in. Why's it in this cocktail? Hello, people. The French helped us gain our independence, did they not? ;-) Gotta pay a little... homage. 

Blueberry & Chambord Patriotic Cocktail

Servings: 1 per recipe
  • Ice Cubes
  • 1.5 ounces Vodka
  • 1 ounce Chambord (if you don't have Chambord, a cranberry juice would only slightly change the flavor)
  • 1 handfull Blueberries
  • ~4 ounces Club Soda
  1. Fill a highball glass or tall mason jar with ice cubes. Add Vodka and Chambord.
  2. Add half of the blueberries, then top off with club soda.
  3. Sprinkle remaining blueberries on top and serve!


  1. Looks yummy! needing to try it out this weekend.

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