
Blueberry Rhubarb Martini (or Blueberry Cranberry Martini, if it's cold out!)

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Guess what I learned this morning? This will be a cool August. Cool as in cold. As in... we're lucky in Chicago if it hits 70 today. I'm going to cry. Somebody bring me a tissue. This is sad news to me.

If you're wondering, I'm one of those people who hates winter. I hate, hate, hate it, and living in Memphis, Tennessee for four years of college didn't help. They don't get much snow there. In fact, one February morning, I was awakened at 5 something A.M. because it was snowing and my freaking-out-roomates wanted to drive to the grocery store to stock up. It was like we were being invaded. By snow. So no, I'm not happy about it getting chilly. Thus, I will allow myself the month of August to grieve the warmth... and then I will suck it up, move on, and warmly slip into my fall clothes. 

Why am I telling you all of this in a post about blueberry rhubarb cocktails? Because, people, it means the rhubarb will be going away! For good (or at least until next summer). So get to the store or into your garden and grab it all. Then make these cocktails.

P.S. If you stumble on this post during the winter, I dare you to try boiling cranberries instead of rhubarb for the syrup. Methinks it will be delicious.

P.S.S. In my opinion, if you serve it in a martini glass, it's a freaking martini. Put a margarita in there? It's a Margtini. Pour in some Guinness? Well, I'll let you name that one...

Blueberry Rhubarb Martini

for blueberry infused vodka mixture...
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1 cup Vodka

for rhubarb syrup...
  • 2 Stalks Rhubarb
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp Truvia or Sugar

remaining ingredients...
  • Malibu Rum (optional)
  • Seltzer water (optional)

  1. Make blueberry infused vodka: Combine blueberries and vodka in a container. Muddle blueberries, breaking them all apart and mashing them together with the vodka. Let sit overnight.
  2. Make rhubarb syrup: Strip rhubarb and cut into small pieces. Heat water on the stove until boiling, then add rhubarb and truvia/sugar and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and puree. Let cool before using in this recipe.
  3. Combine ingredients in the following ratio: 1 part blueberry infused vodka, 2 part rhubarb syrup, 1 part Malibu rum (optional, for added sweetness), 1 part seltzer water (optional, to add effervescence and lower alcohol content per ounce). Shake in a mixer and then serve cold.


  1. Yum, looks delicious! And I hear ya on this cooler weather. Now I feel like an ass for complaining about the heat all summer!

  2. I'm with you - the glass absolutely dictates the name of the drink. Guinness in a martini glass...beertini? I'll work on it a little more.

    Oh, and this 70 degree weather is making me extremely anxious. I'm not prepared to start letting go of summer until September.


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