
Big News - Going Out on a Limb!

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It has been a winter of changes!
  • Today is my last day at my current job, where I have been employed for the last two and a half years. WEIRD!
  • I am ramping up my marketing and graphics consulting business to become full time, and am also making a lot of cards and wedding invitations on the side as well. I also just rebranded my site, so check it out!
  • My husband and I are about to renovate a house in Holland, Michigan! As usual, I will keep you posted.
  • Both my husband and I are about to be full time work-from-home'rs, so we are planning a lot of trips to go on once we have finished our remodel, since we will be able to work literally anywhere with an internet connection.
  • My book is written! I am now in the (very overwhelming) final pre-querying edits of the young adult novel I have been working on for more than a few years. Which means... I am looking for beta readers for early 2014. ANY TAKERS?

Am I crazy? Yes. Probably. I don't know. It is possible. But, one thing I do know for sure: I am ready to follow my creative passions with my whole being instead of just part of it. My blog, consulting business, and book have all been forced to fit into the tiny batches of free time I have had. But now, they will be my main squeeze. And I can't wait!


  • Are you doing anything bold this season?
  • What have you done to follow your dreams?


  1. This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing all of these exciting things going on in your life. I hope to be able to start a business and work from home like this one day. Just have to come up with a good idea first! Have a good weekend!

  2. I had no idea you were writing a novel, I would LOVE to read it. Send me an e-mail!

  3. I'd love to read your book!!! Please keep me in mind. That is so wonderful that you are taking the leap to turn your passions into your full time job. I have some work to do in that area....I am as being patient as I can be to let it happen in the right time.

  4. I would also love to read your book :)

  5. I have heard you mention several times that you are writing a book, so exciting it's in the final stages! I would love to get the opportunity to do a read through. I've done it a few times, and find is so exciting every time to get to read a book before everyone else! ;)

  6. I am a new blog reader, but would be glad to serve as a beta book reader too!

  7. I would love to help out and be a beta reader!!


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