
WIAW and Push Up / Burpee Challenge

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Happy Wednesday! If you don't know what What I Ate Wednesday is, here's the gist: It's a quick way for you to see what kind of crap I really eat, in addition to all of the recipes I post. For more information on WIAW and other bloggers who do it, you can head here: What I Ate Wednesday via Peas & Crayons

Let's just say that this WIAW post consists mostly of a ton of small meals rather than three huge ones. My schedule lately has been all over the place, and I try to let myself keep working when I get on a roll, so sometimes I eat frequent small meals at random times, and sometimes I eat big ones at specified times. This was the former.

Cookie Dough Quest Bar
Coconut Milk Latte via Nespresso

Snack 1:
Acai Matetini Tea via Teavana
Grapefruit with Stevia

Snack 2:
Chobani Coffee with Chocolate Chips
Carrot, Apple, Beet, and Ginger juice via my Breville Juicer

Snack 3:
1 cut up zucchini, baked with olive oil, spices, and cheese

Huge salad with avocado, steak, and fish on top
side note: leftover fish is kind of gross. i had a hard time forcing myself to take the fish pieces down. other than that, this was delish.

And now onto the challenge...

I read about a few plank challenges, so I decided to force myself to make one of my own. I started two days ago with 20 push ups and 20 burpees, then the next day was 21/21, you get it. 

Day 1: 20 Push Ups, 20 Burpees
Day 2: 21 Push Ups, 21 Burpees
Day 3: 22 Push Ups, 22 Burpees
Day 4: 23 Push Ups, 23 Burpees
Day 5: 24 Push Ups, 24 Burpees

My goal is to do this for 31 days, which will get me to 50 push ups and 50 burpees. Anyone else doing a challenge like this?

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