**Psssst! We moved Chris into a new house this weekend! Come back tomorrow for before and after pics of how we made it pretty!**
I'm sitting in a laundromat in Bowling Green, Ohio. Why, you might ask? Because this weekend, Chris received his degree in Motion Design! Woo! [Crowd goes wiiiild!]
More thumbs up...
**Psssst! We moved Chris into a new house this weekend! Come back tomorrow for before and after pics of how we made it pretty!**
I'm always blogging about things I've made... well, in honor of Chris' recent graduation, I figured now would be a good time to share with you some of the awesome stuff Chris has made!
Have 30 seconds to spare in your life? Take a look at these mind blowing graphics!
Here's Chris's 2011 reel (WATCH IT FULL SCREEN!):
Can you believe he makes that kind of stuff? Blows. My. Mind.
I'm sitting in a laundromat in Bowling Green, Ohio. Why, you might ask? Because this weekend, Chris received his degree in Motion Design! Woo! [Crowd goes wiiiild!]
See that guy giving two thumbs up from the floor? Yeah, that's my boyfriend. What. A. Ham.
Congrats to Chris! 2011 Reel is so cool. Have fun moving.