
The Carolina Keys... Part One

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Guess what? I'm on vacation. :)

On Sunday morning, we left Chicago and headed for the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I'm dubbing this place the Keys of Carolina. The Carolina Keys. 

But, I should back up. Back to the beginning. Here's a shot as we descended into Norfolk International Airport.

After we landed, we poured our 7 person party into two Nissan Altimas.

Hello from the Purple (and obviously cooler) car...

And another hello from the gray car...

After about an hour, we stopped at a roadside fruit market. Powell's Roadside Market. Yum.

And finally... thirty minutes later... the beach.

We're staying in a house on the Atlantic Ocean. That means we get to drink beer on the deck with this view...

...and sit here with a cup of coffee...

And (perhaps totally unrelated to views), we forced Justin to try his first Oyster. Okay, he did it willingly. No forcing involved.

Yum. Right? Or perhaps you think it looks like snot. (I do. Don't tell.)

Anyway, I'll be back at various points this week to update you and share some beach week recipes. Hopefully instead of hating me out of jealousy, you can live vicariously through my beach photos! :)

How do you work out on the beach? Do you go running? Do pushups? Do Tabatas?
Share! If I get the chance to try it out, I'll post and let you know :)


  1. Would love to take a run on the beach!! Have fun!

  2. Enjoy your time on the Atlantic! I grew up on the "first coast" of Florida so the Atlantic holds a special place in my heart, even though I am a west coast girl for the time being. There should be some great running in the obx, my best friend ran a marathon up there & said it was so beautiful!

  3. Look at your rockin bod wow!! I want that watermelon haha


  4. Ahhh, I'm so jealous, it looks like you're in for an awesome trip! I've been known to bring Insanity DVD's with me on beach vacations...and get a lot of sideways glances from people. It's slightly hardcore for the beach. ;)


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