
7 Pictures, 7 Things (Grocery Shopping Hash Tags and the lot)

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Well hello there :) Today's post includes 7 random yet awesome things. Anything from grocery shopping hash tags (I challenge you to use it, too!) to a fruit called a Pluot to a doggie in a cart. 

1. Let's Talk About Your Shopping Cart! #inmycart

I'd like to propose a toast hashtag. From now on, when I'm grocery shopping, I'll instagram (and therefore tweet) a picture of my cart with the hashtag #inmycart. Even if it's in a basket.

Why? Because then I'll be less likely to grab anything naughty... and so will you! P.S. Here's a post on reading nutritional labels so you can avoid the crap. There's a lot of crap out there, people!

Let's start with this week's lunchtime shopping trip to City Target (we finally got one downtown, about 15 min walk from work). 
Inside: 2 bags of Spinach, 1 box Strawberries, 1 box Blueberries, 3 boxes of Zone Bars, 1 Orange, 1 bottle Smartwater

2. Look At This Weird Dog Lady!

I was walking home from the Blue Line on Tuesday when I saw this lady, pushing her puppy in a cart. The dog, mind you, is perfectly mobile -- it was jumping up and down and moving from side to side trying to get the best views and the best sniffs. Yet, she pushes it around, standing up, like it's her child in a stroller (or shopping cart). Diva much? I love it!

3. It's Called A Pluot And It's Fabulous!

At work, they fill baskets in the reception area with yummy fruit every day. I try to grab one each day and eat it for a snack, because froot is great for you (See # 5). Recently, we've gotten a little experimental here. Monday's batch included Pluots, which is apparently a cross between a Plum and an Apricot. It's also known as an Apriplum. Which do you prefer? Pluot or Apriplum? They're both so darn fun to say...

4. My Thumbs Hurt And I Love Me Some Tea!

I'm writing a book and I'm approximately 85,100 words in as of this morning. I've learned two things about being a writer: First, I drink a lot of tea. Like a lot of tea. Like sometimes I'll drink 7 cups of tea in one day. I probably need to chill out on that, come to think of it... Second, my book has to be pretty darn intense, because I find myself biting my nails just writing it. Like I'm nervous for my characters. I could save them if I wanted to... yet I'm still torturing them, feeling nervous about the outcome at the same time. WAMF (kind of like BAMF but it starts with Weird).

6. Froot Is The Greatest Snack!

I've been trying to find better ways to snack lately. I got on a Zone Bar kick and, while those are undoubtedly good for you, you just don't need more than one each day. Plus, my self control with Zone Bars is not so great...  Note about Zone Bars: If you're wondering, the best flavors are Fudge Graham (which tastes like S'Mores), Chocolate Mint (which tastes like Thin Mint Cookies), and Double Dark Chocolate (which tastes like... heaven)

Anyway, I've decided to push myself toward fruit. Why? Because it's got a lot of moisture, which helps with hydration, it's packed with vitamins, which does your body guuuud, and also because fruit is nature's candy. I'm currently loving on Oranges. See # 3 for my other favorite fruit at the office lately.

6. My Boyfriend Is Cute

Bf started a new job on Monday! Yay! He's working at an IT company here in Chicago (doing nothing IT related, mind you...) and has loved it this week. Look at this cute lil boy with a smile on his face going to his first week of school!

7. Aspirin On My Face (And No, My Face Didn't Hurt)

I had some skin issues lately (probably from all the tea drinking -- ah, crap), so I texted my friend Bridget who is an expert on all things skin and hair. She told me to Google some skin treatment that involved aspirin. So, there I was, crushing up aspirin in my kitchen like a drug addict (no, I am not one) and adding water to it to create a paste. And you know what? It gosh darn worked. 

Here's the link for those who are interested! Also, yes, here's proof of it. I legitimately took the pup on a walk around Wicker Park with this on my face at 5:00pm. It was wonderful.


  1. Thanks for the asprin tip. My 15 year old daughter has been having horrible acne issues for a couple of weeks. I'm going to have her give it a try before I resort to the dermatologist.

    1. Awesome! Hope it works! I heard you can do it once a week but I already did it twice. I'm kind of a "more is more" type of person... ;-/
      Good luck!

  2. We are definitely trying this! Thanks for sharing the great info! We would love to have you link up to our Strut Your Stuff Saturday at sixsistersstuff.com and share your cute blog and ideas! -The Sisters


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