
Chocolate Chip Blueberry Almond Fiber Muffins

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Is it light and fruity? Is it rich and chocolatey? These delicious muffins are having an identity crisis! Time for you to make them and help them decide...

Nom nom nom. That's the sound of me eating these muffins for breakfast.

And lunch.

And a snack after dinner.

It's really not my fault, though. Sometimes you just need a bit of muffin in your life. And sometimes you're faced with a horrible muffin dilemma: Do I eat the blueberry muffin or the chocolate chip muffin? See, I understand you, people. I know your inner woes.

And now I've solved them! Because you'll never have to make that perilous decision again! Instead, you can have your muffin and eat it too... or... whatever.

What I'm trying to say is... make this, eat this, love this. Yum.

  • Fiber One Blueberry Muffins Mix
  • 3/4 Cup Water
  • 4 oz Applesauce
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons Shaved Chocolate (or chocolate chips)
  • 2 tablespoons Sliced Almonds (or walnuts)
  1. Preheat the oven to 400.
  2. Combine muffin mix, water, applesauce, and egg in a medium bowl and mix well until the batter is fairly smooth.
  3. Add chocolate and almonds.
  4. Place in muffin papers and bake for 14-18 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • If you'd like to end up with a bit of chocolate shaving on top for a garnish, add half way through baking.

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