
Workout Logs, Workout Links, and Inspiration

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It happens every week, folks. Time for you to congratulate yourself on a week of workouts well done (or find some inspiration for next week!).

Two helpful links for this week:

It's still Olympic Season (hello, Lochte!). Next time you watch, hop off the couch and try this Olympic Challenge. Sort of like a drinking game -- but, instead of drinking when specific events occur, you've got an assigned workout! I promise it's fun, and even more fun if you get your friends in on it! Email/Tweet/Facebook/Send me a picture of you and your friends doing the Olympic Challenge and I'll share it!

Got questions? Check out this Workout FAQ for some of the most common questions I've received via email, facebook, and blog comments about fitness. Find out the answers to... How many calories do I need to burn with exercise? Do I need to workout every day? How much exercise should I do? What kinds? What is strength training? How often should I strength train? How much cardio should I do? How can I get cardio? Do I need to do Cardio on the days I strength train? What is HIIT? What are Tabatas? What are some fun ways to get cardio workouts? How often do I need to stretch? What music do you listen to?

My Week In Workouts (Since the last update)
*Check out last week's log here*
Monday: 20 Minute Intervals on Stationary Bike (Revised Megan Fox's Butt Workout)
Tuesday: 1 hour Bootcamp Class with Weights (Lunges GALORE, try this shorter version)
Wednesday: 30 Minute Stationary Bike
Thursday: 1 hour Bootcamp Class with Weights
Friday:  Rest
Saturday: Ab Set with 8lb Medicine Ball, 30min Dance Cardio
Sunday: Body By Science, 15 Minute Bike Intervals, Olympic Challenge
Monday: 30min Abs Class, 20 Minute Interval Run

Fitness Ideas?
If you're looking for workout ideas, check out my fitness page, buy some new workout videos, or try one of the following FREE workouts...

And finally, here's a bit of workout inspiration. What's your inspiration? Let me know!

Don't forget to leave a comment! Tell us what YOU did this week, or what your workout INSPIRATION is!

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