Shortly after Christmas, we left the great state of Illinois (and the great land of Chicago) to head to the Eastern Time Zone. Michigan, to be exact. We will be staying in Western Michigan for a while, but had a quick jaunt up to my in laws' ski resort in Northern Michigan.
I donned my 'ski diamonds' (read: wearing your main rock in a pair of huge gloves while skiing freaks me out - I don't trust myself!) for a day of skiing.
I have been skiing for almost twenty years, so I am very comfortable on skis, but I still don't take many risks (of all the places in life to take risks - and trust me, I take them - this is just not it for me...). Call me a wuss, but I played it pretty safe this time.
Don't worry, though. I consoled myself with a burger. With bacon. Look at me.
Fun fact: my grandparents met in the Windy City Ski Club (Chicago) many years ago. My mom's entire family has used that sweet anecdote as justification for our not-so-little ski addiction. Since I was away from them for this ski trip, I was photo-bragging the whole time. Sorry I'm not sorry.
Due to the aforementioned family ski addiction, I have been conditioned to require some sort of hot tub action post-ski hill. We finished up in the late afternoon, and I treated myself to a bubbly soak in the tub, complemented by some Royskopp Pandora. What can I say, the heart wants what it wants...
Some other successes of our ski hill holiday include...
(1) Time spent at the spa. Once you're in, you're free to 'move about the cabin,' so to speak. Meaning I indulged not only in plenty of treadmill miles and stretching sessions, but also in lots and lots of sauna and steam room time. Somehow, my skin survived.
(2) The Snowflake Lounge. This is a favorite late night hot spot for guests at Boyne Mountain, and I am making sure to accumulate good memories there. Maybe memories is the wrong word for it...
(3) Ski Hill New Years Eve. It is not the short dresses, stage makeup New Years Eve I remember from Chicago, but it has its own kind of magic.
(4) Lake Street Market. Two thumbs way, way up for delicious New Years Eve eats... Spinach/Artichoke dip (which later made it into my morning-after omelet), death-by-cheese-plate, and plenty of dessert. All made fresh at this local Boyne market.
(5) Breakfast. I always love breakfast, but it was especially good (and indulgent) at Cafe Sante.
(6) My husband. Did I mention how wonderful he is? Best. Decision. Of. My. Life.
And there it is! Our Ski Hill Holiday. Now, time for a voluntary forced reboot juice cleanse...
- What were your big 'wins' this holiday? Favorite new memories?
- Do you have any ski related traditions with your family?
- Any other holiday traditions you want to share?
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