
A Room With No Name - Apartment Progress

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Ok, so this awesome Monday morning post is about my dining slash living room slash den area. You know, like the room that's supposed to be a dining room, but then you decide you don't need a dining room anyway, so you make yourself an awesome desk to... sit at. And write books. And be fancy. And not smoke cigars because you hate how they taste but you can pretend.

You know, like that kind of stuff.

If you're catching up...
Here were my grand plans for this apartment, and here were some nudie shots (OF THE APARTMENT! NO NUDE HUMANS WERE INVOLVED IN THE MAKING OF THAT POST).  The first "done" room (sort of - working on an update post) was the Living Room, which you can find here.

So, the dining slash living room slash den area. Here was the initial plan, as predetermined by Type A Carly (not to be confused with Type B Carly).

And here we are now, progress and all. Our little sweet child is growing up. 

For the most part, this room went as planned. A month ago, we snagged that awesome desk off Craigslist, which is the perfect height to work with the Setu Lounge Chair. 

For now, we've set the Setu Ottoman in front of our huge, larger than life mirror. That way, while I'm checking myself out in the morning or fixing my hair, I've got a place to set my huge ass bag. Perfect.

That amazing mirror? Value City, people. Yes, seriously. We randomly walked into Value City when hitting up Gurnee Mills Mall a few weeks ago, and spent a moment admiring the mirror. The following weekend, when Justin went to buy some pants, he bought it on a whim for $160. Not bad for something that's taller than your 6 foot 7 man, right?

Note: Huge mirrors are awesome. Why? Because they're huge. And it makes the room feel so much bigger. Like it goes on forever. And maybe it does. It's like the 8th Narnia Book. The Magic Mirror.

The wonderful desk corner. You see, I so desperately wanted to have a place where I could sit and write. Whether it's working on blog posts or writing my book, I end up spending a heck of a lot of time typing away on the computer. So, I wanted to make it something beautiful. 

Beautiful Desk = Orchids and candles. And a cup of tea.

With a desk that has no drawers (okay, it has one small drawer in the front -- enough for some pens and a pad of paper), we needed some storage. Storage for cords and papers and pens, etc. So, we purposely put the shelving unit with cabinets behind the desk. That way, all the storage you need is right behind you!

Oh, see that On Air Box? Here's the tutorial. I'm still loving it. Especially combined with the old camera we grabbed at a vintage store in Holland, it adds a retro air to the MCM decor.

We kept two bookshelves on the left, lined up against the wall. Almost all of these books used to be smashed together on one shelf. Now that they're able to spread out onto two, there's room to stick in the extra nick nack here and there.

So, what's left to do?
  • Get rid of that pesky white box
  • Make some window treatments
  • Hide that ugly darn cord

What about you? Where's your special place in your home?

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