
The Place Where Magic Happens

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Come into my bedroom...

Welcome to today's edition of Decorate Your Apartment In Ten Days! We've got a swell show in store for you today, so don't forget to buckle up for safety. Because only you can prevent forest fires.

Um. But seriously. It's been about 10 days since moving in. Here were my grand plans for this apartment, and here were some nudie shots (OF THE APARTMENT! NO NUDE HUMANS WERE INVOLVED IN THE MAKING OF THAT POST).  The first "done" room (sort of - working on an update post) was the Living Room, which you can find here.

Anyway, when it came to the bedroom, I had to change my plan a bit. This was the original plan:

But there was an issue. Remember how I said I'm part Type A, part Type B? Well, the Type A Carly insisted on making that diagram, but the Type B Carly refused to get accurate measurements because just "eyeballing" should be good enough, right?

Eeeeeht. WRONG. So, initially, I thought this room had a lot more space from Left to Right when you walk in. I planned to have more walking space across from the bed. Ultimately, the room ended up being more rectangular than square.

And here's where we are now. Furniture and all. Hallelujah.

Remember when we made our own headboard? It works even better in this room because there's a small 2 inch ledge on that side of the room, so we put the headboard on top of that, which makes it more visible behind the bed.

We snatched these bedside tables for $40 from the same warehouse we grabbed the Living Room couch from. They're triangular, but rounded (so no evil cuts from bumping them).

The top is glass,with a smaller wooden triangle below. We loved them because they're useful while not taking up too much visual space. Ultimately, we realized, we didn't need the typical bedside table with drawers. I mean, what do you put in there, anyway? With our last bedside table, we just crammed it full with random crap. Candles. Socks. Watches. Etc. And it ended up being a catch all, like a Mary Poppins Bedside Table.  So, instead of giving ourselves yet another place to hide crap, we decided to opt for something more open and minimal. So far, we're loving it.

Let's talk about art, baby. First, we've got two of the pieces I gave bf for Valentines Day. There were initially four, but this time we decided to cut it down to two and use the other two frames for other art projects (coming soon).

Also some black and whites from bf's mom. These are up in Wicker Park near the Damen stop, I believe. 

The pale blue color of the wall lends itself nicely to these black and whites (though I loved them on white walls in the last place too). 

BUT... with a pale blue wall and black and white photography, I felt the urge to add a bit of color. Thank God for these hooks Justin installed, so that I can keep my Rosie the Riveter headband (left) and Victory 70's purse (right) out for some color amusement. Roy G. Biv must be proud

This is the view from the "driver's" side of the bed (you know, like if it were a car, am I the only one who pretends my bed is a magic carpet?). I love it. Can I wake up every morning with the lights on and this bizarre yet wonderful view? Simplicity = key for me.

Dresser top. Still pretty sparse up in here. I will say, I'm in love with that blue vase in the center. We grabbed it at a Good Will almost a year ago, and since then, I've dried flowers a few times when Justin's surprised me with a bouquet. I just think the look of a beautiful glass vase with dried flowers inside is so... well, I can't say hipster, but...

Note: If you dry flowers by taking them out of the vase and hanging them upside down for a few days, they won't get all moldy like they otherwise do.

I've been using that picture frame on the dresser (with a hilarious article inside it that was written about the female lawyer who worked on the Watergate case - it's called "A Lawyer In Miniskirts") as a place to hang my necklaces. Works for now, eh?

This dresser was another find from Department Chicago. It's a Mid Century Modern Stanley (I think?). The clean lines are good for my brain. Simplicity, yet again. At first, I was worried I'd trash it with dirty fingers - after all, it's white as snow - but the finish has a shine to it that makes it easy to wipe, though it doesn't seem like finger marks are showing up on it anyway.

That tall dresser on the left is something we're still working with. It doesn't fit the style we want, but it's a leftover. Thinking a knob makeover could fancy it up just enough so that it no longer sticks out and screams "Look, I'm from Pottery Barn and I belong in the suburbs!"

Any other ideas on that, folks?

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