
Bodypump Is A Weird Name for a Workout

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I tried a Bodypump class for the first time yesterday morning. My gym runs a class from 6-7am, meaning I had to wake up at 5:30. So painful. Thank God for my alarm, which says "If Katniss can win the Hunger Games, you can get your ass to the gym this morning." Can't let down Katniss, can I?

For those of you who aren't familiar with Bodypump, it's a weight-based fitness class that lasts 60 minutes. It's made up of multiple tracks/songs, each of which focuses on one or two muscle groups.

Equipment: You use a barbell with various amounts of weight (you can change it up between tracks, as long as you grabbed enough weights to set aside for a quick change). You also use a mat (for crunches/pushups), free weights (optional), and an aerobics step (used for lunges and also for lying down during a few arm exercises).

Structure: The class had a warm up, then squats (quads and glutes), chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, and abs.

At first, I wasn't sure about the class. I didn't sweat enough to merit washing my hair, which would generally make me feel as though the workout was a failure. Yet, I definitely felt the burn, and now, a few hours after the class, I can tell that my muscles definitely got a good workout.

I've heard that it can take a few times to truly reap the rewards of Bodypump, because everything is weights based, and it can take you a few tries to get the correct weights dialed in for yourself. You typically commit to a certain amount of weight on your bar before each track, so you're stuck with it for the next 3-5 minutes. I tended to go a bit light, because I feared getting stuck in the middle of a track with weights that were far too heavy. Next time I'll go up a bit.

Overall, I love getting the workout in so early in the morning (though it's painful to get up) and I can definitely tell my body got a good workout. I'm planning to make it a regular Thursday-morning thing... we'll see how that goes.

Have any of you ever tried Bodypump?
Are you trying any new workout classes this week?

1 comment:

  1. How does your alarm say that?! Clearly my biggest takeaway from this post, ha!


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