
Date Night - er, I mean Weekend

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This weekend, Justin and I had a 3 and a half day long date. Yes, that's a long time. Yes, it was awesome.

The weekend consisted of ten cards I designed beforehand, each of which contained a poem (mostly silly poems) with a clue about what the next activity was. There were a few treats mixed in, as well.

I prepared for Justin to get home and set everything up. As I waited for him to get home, I decided to set the camera up on a tripod to capture what comes next. It's awesome. Also, I'm a dork. 

When Justin returned from work on Friday night, he was greeted with this:

Yes, a lightsaber. And a challenge. He entered the apartment, and the lights were off, but for a few candles and the TV, which I'd turned into a strobe light using a YouTube Strobe Light video. I was pumping Lightsaber sound effects through the speakers, and then proceeded to battle him for the second clue.

After the epic battle, I gave him his second clue and we headed down to Chriskindlemarket, a traditional German Christmastime marketplace, where we walked around, shopped, and had sugar toasted nuts.

When we returned, we stopped for dinner at Twisted Spoke, where they legitimately serve a Manhattan that costs $125. No, we didn't buy it. The rest of the menu is really reasonably priced. 

Saturday and Sunday included a number of more relaxing activities. I cooked him breakfast, we went to spinning class, and we relaxed on the couch while watching Elf. Sunday included Church and a relaxing trip to Libertyville for dinner.

We took Monday off, so, after breakfast, I gave Justin the 8th card. We went to the gym, and then he sped off to LillieAnn's, where I bought him a massage and foot reflexology appointment. A word to the wise: If you're booking a massage for your man, try to get him a female masseuse. It just seems to be something they're more used to.

After his massage, I gave him the 9th card. I'd planned a dinner at Cite, which is a french steakhouse that is located on the 70th floor of Lake Point Tower. It was wonderful.

They have a wonderful skyline view of the city, so I felt like I was in a movie during the entire meal.

While we waited and had a cocktail, the chef sent out a complimentary appetizer for us. It was delicious.

And that's the end of a wonderful date weekend!


  1. I love that you planned that whole weekend together. It makes me want to do the same thing. You two are such a cute couple. xx. McKenna Lou

  2. What an epic date! I can't believe your creativity....


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