
Wish List 2.17.2012

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Amazing (and Revenge-like, obsessed much?) Infinity Ring. Really, though... was "infinity" becoming a design trend and then the show Revenge ripped it off, or did the show create that wave? Power.

Canon Camera Lens Mugs. Darn. Can somebody start making these for Nikon lenses? Please?

Flower String Lights. I would be content with a pile of these sitting in the corner of my bedroom. They look so soft!

Soda Jerk Chandelier. Yeah, those are old school soda bottles. Yeah, they're upside down. No, it's not a DIY... yet. Check it out at Anthropologie for something to swoon over.


  1. Not sure if you've noticed, but on the link for the camera lens mug they do sell Nikon ones! Just thought you'd like to know. :)

  2. Just in case: http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/nikon-lens-mugs/

  3. http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/lens-shot-glass/

    they also make shot glasses :) both in Canon and Nikon


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