
Fitness Monday, A Week in Workouts, and Free Workouts

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Happy Monday!

Time for another workout weigh in -- no, you don't have to actually weigh yourself. We're weighing our determination, dedication, and willpower here. First, before you look at what you did, you've got to nail down what you needed. What is involved in fitness? Let's compare notes...

A successful week in workouts should hit most of these aspects of fitness. I don't say all because I recognize that there are a lot of things to incorporate and there's a chance you're hitting them overall but not everything in one week. A good goal to shoot for would be hitting all of these aspects at least once every two weeks.

I usually give you guys a list of workouts, but this time I'm going to match them with what aspects of fitness they're successfully working on!

A Week in Workouts:

Monday: Skip
Tuesday: 1 Hour Boot Camp (Cardio Weights Circuits)
Strength, Cardiovascular Capacity, Speed, Good Coordination, Power, Agility
Wednesday: Yoga
Flexibility, Balance, Power, Agility
Thursday: 1 hour Elliptical
Cardiovascular Capacity, Speed
Friday: 1 Hour Boot Camp ("Butts and Guts, Cardio Weights Circuits)
Strength, Cardiovascular Capacity, Speed, Good Coordination, Power, Agility
Saturday: 45 Minute Stairmaster Sprint
Cardiovascular Capacity, Speed
Sunday: Body By Science (Weight Lifting) and 15 minute Bike
Strength, Power
Monday: Stairmaster, 30 Minute Abs
Cardiovascular Capacity, Speed, Power

Workout Resources By Type

So, how are you doing with hitting all of those aspects of fitness? If you're looking for some more ways to ring in, here's a list of free workouts broken down in those categories!

Cardiovascular Capacity
Good Coordination
Muscular Endurance

Workout Inspiration:

Because a good workout post can never end without a few bits of inspiration!
Img Credits: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Question of the Day:

  • Which of the 9 aspects of fitness do you most OFTEN get? 
  • Which do you get the LEAST often?


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