
How Halloween Can (Not) Ruin Your Nutrition Plan

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Notice I didn't say diet. I said nutrition plan. Why? Because diet is an bad word, my friends! . People who are on "diets" tend to fail. Diets are temporary (diamonds nutrition plans are forever).

I digressed. Here comes Halloween. Halloween. HALLOWEEN! Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

FitSugar recently put together a poster of how much of each candy you can have for 100 calories. Check it out...

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Looking for some healthier alternatives? Check these out...

Eyeball Appetizers
Halloween Web Cookies

Here's hoping you have a wonderful Halloween! Stuck in the spirit and want some more Halloween goodness? Check out my Halloween Costume and tips for Effie Trinket and Seneca Crane, or this Halloween round up!

P.S. Here's a Halloween video for you!

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