
Vintage on a Budget

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When I moved this Fall, I wasn't quite sure what to do or where to buy the new accessories that I wanted. After all, if I wanted vintage, it was hard to find. After perusing Chicago flea markets, I was pretty much appalled by the inflated prices (Crate and Barrel's outlet store was cheaper on a few things - no joke).

So let's do a quick run down or ways to get a vintage feel... on a budget. Thanks to none other than... Etsy!


Old Props: Find something antique at a thrift store, goodwill, or  Etsy. Even old props that don't work anymore can be perfect for a display cabinet. This old hair dryer is obviously not about to become your newest hair accessory... but it would look perfect sitting on a credenza or in a display case.

Magazine racks, getcher magazine racks! This old school magazine rack is perfect for your next living room! It can hold anything from magazines (bonus if you can grab some vintage magazines) to books to your morning newspaper. 

$22 for all 3

These 3 clocks may no longer tell time, but they are great design artifacts of a bygone era! Set them out as sculptural pieces on tables and shelves, and add a little classic character into your space. 


This old map has character and style. The aged paper gives a warm feeling as you look at how the world has changed! Put it in a $14 frame at ikea, and you have a nice piece to hang on the wall.

Old vintage lamps are hard to find - and when you do find them, they can run pretty expensive. This Etsy find is surprisingly cheap. No, I didn't buy it... but I'm keeping my eyes open for something similar. There aren't many replicas right now out there. 

Old school chairs with smooth, clean lines are popping up all over the place lately. This on Etsy for $25 is an easy buy. Buy a set to match, or randomly place different chairs around a table.

Art $21
Not only do I agree with this... but the style of it is perfect for a vintage kitchen. It's not actually vintage - instead, it's just a vintage design with 50s colors and interesting typography. You can find lots of these on Etsy or design one yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Etsy drives me crazy because once I get going, I could be surfing for hours! I love that they have a little/lot of everything...


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