
Cucumber Mint Infused Water (Detox)

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You know that song by the Beach Boys where they sing, "I'm picking up good vibrations?" Well, let's just say that, if you haven't, you should (find it here). Why am I making you listen to random Beach Boys songs? Well, because the lyrics should really be changed to...

I'm picking up good hydration!

Why? Because of this...

I'm officially the crazy lady singing about water. What else is new? Oh, actually, not that you ask, I'm in Minneapolis this week on a work trip. Which means I'm probably not - but really should - be staying hydrated.

This is a delicious recipe for cucumber mint infused water. It will encourage you to drink more by being so utterly delicious. Also, cucumber and mint are refreshing additions that make you feel alive!

Kind of like a... detox!

Cucumber Mint Infused Water

Calories: 0
Servings: 6-8
Prep Time: 3-5 Minutes
  • 1/4-1/3 Cucumber, sliced
  • 10 small mint leaves
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, shaved
  • Water
  1. Combine ingredients. Depending on the amount of flavor you'd like, feel free to add more or less of any ingredient.
  2. Let sit for 1-2 hours, overnight is best.
  3. Drink Up!

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