
16 Holiday Recipes You'll Die For & A Thanksgiving Menu

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It's not just about the turkey, folks. It's about giving thanks and loving each other... and the appetizers, side dishes, and desserts, of course. Here's a Thanksgiving Menu filled with delicious, creative dishes. Pick your favorites and find the recipe links at the bottom.

I know, you're drooling right now. And you're also thinking, "How on earth could I even eat all of those things in one sitting?" The answer is two-fold: Tiny bites, big pants.

Here are the recipes:

Baked Honey and Basil Brie Pastry with Reduced Kahlua
Pretzel Rolls with Beer Cheese Dipping Sauce
Baked Apples with Savory Pork Stuffing
Spicy Curry Pumpkin Fries

Skinny Vegetarian Stuffing
Roasted Cranberry Sauce (Here are 7 more Cranberry Sauce recipes)
Kahlua Brown Sugar and Walnut Whipped Sweet Potato 
Thai-Style Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Turkey

Dark Chocolate Cheesecake With Chocolate Hazelnut Ganache, Toasted Hazelnuts, and Sea Salt
Cherry Pomegranate Mini Pies
Homemade Peppermint Patties

Whiskey Sweet N Sour Cocktail
Vodka Cake Cocktail
Whiskey Apple Cider
Rumon Ale Cocktail



  1. Everything looks and sounds deliciously dangerous! Never had pumpkin fries....I want to give that a try! And those mini pies need to make an appearance on my Thanksgiving table. Thanks for all of the great recipes!

    1. Glad you enjoy! Have made both the fries and the pies and both are delicious! There's also a recipe for sweet pumpkin fries, which have cinnamon as well as homemade dipping options -- you can find that recipe here!

  2. Big bites, even bigger pants would work as well! That cheesecake is to die for!


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