
Say Yes To The Dress at Beholden

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Okay, I should start this post with two important disclaimers:

1. No, I'm not showing you any images of me in dresses. Why? Because that would spoil the fun. Some of you will be at my wedding, and the rest of you will enjoy a plethora of images of it though this blog. So, why spoil the fun by spilling the beans now? You can see me in white later. Perhaps in August. Hint hint.

2. No, I didn't buy a dress yet. There are four serious contenders (which I think I may have now narrowed down to three, but there's definitely a frontrunner). I will give you a few hints about what I'm choosing between and ask for your input, though! I'll let you know when I finally make a decision. That said, any brides and married women out there who can give me a hint on how to choose?

Now for the meaty part. Also known as... PICTURES!

On Sunday, my sister flew in from Boston for a few weeks of holiday cheer in Chicago. My mom picked her up from the airport and they met me downtown, where we headed to Beholden (BHLDN), Anthropologie's bridal line.

Let me say, this place is gorgeous. Before you even start looking at the dresses, they've done such a wonderful job using all of the vibes and textures and colors that make their Anthropologie stores wonderful. Basically, it feels like a more upscale, extremely intimate Anthropologie.

When we arrived, our consultant, Kate, offered us beverages. Champagne, still water, or sparkling water. We went with sparkling water, because I was feeling dehydrated... and because, honestly, I didn't want to drink champagne and make any emotional decisions.

Kate had already pulled some of the dresses that I liked from their website. But, we also looked through their gallery of dresses and picked a few more. Let's just say it's like being Alice In Bridal Land.

Then, in the fitting room, I tried on dresses while my mother and sister lounged on luxurious couches and drank their sparkling water. I loved two dresses at this store, but also two dresses at another store as well.

I love this picture of our sparkling waters and cell phones. All three of our iPhones sitting out on the table. And the lovely greenery that Beholden added to the table. They really get the details there.


  1. go with the one you just can't wait to try on again!
    -sarah w

    1. Just wanted to say that this piece of advice was what I followed when choosing my actual dress, which I've now purchased. Thanks, Sarah! Genius!


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