
Link Round Up

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I've got to be honest here. I'm starting to get over Pinterest.

When I first found Pinterest about two years ago, it was inspiring. Only the cutting edge bloggers were pinning their stuff (I wasn't there yet, so that's not a brag). Everything was the utmost best of its kind. The most impressive food photography. The most creative typographics.

Now it's flooded with everybody who once upon a time bought a camera, took a picture, and used Picnik or PicMonkey to add typography on top of it. There's just too much stuff, a lot of it is good but a lot of it is also not good. Oh, and I'm tired of seeing half nude images. Sorry. Not u

It's diluted.

So now, for one day (today), instead of getting a mouthful of diluted Pinterest stream, here's your curated list of links!

Pretty Stuff:
15 Perfectly Timed Photos
100 Exquisite Adjectives
Making Stamps out of Wine Corks

Foodie Stuff:
The New Best Way to Bring Your Lunch
What 300 Calorie Meals Really Look Like

Gifty Stuff:
25 Handmade Gifts Under $5
How To Make Typographic Gift Wrap
31 Insanely Easy and Clever DIY Projects

See you tomorrow with a delicious recipe!

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