
GNC Rocks My Socks

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Post-BodyPump Butt Kicking, with a cute pup behind me

Today is Thursday, which means I took a 6am Bodypump class, per my workout plan. It is so hard to get myself out of bed at 5:35, though (to drink coffee, wash my face, and put my contacts in before leaving). Especially given the fact that, at about 9pm last night, my fiance walked up to me with two glasses of Maker's Mark. Tisk tisk. Love him.

Basically, Bodypump kicked my butt hard and in a good way, but it wasn't the Maker's Mark that did me in. We had a different instructor today. For some reason, she really inspired me to up my weight on everything. I was simultaneously so happy and so mad at myself for doing that. In the long run, I'm happy with it.

Also, can I just say that my favorite workout tank is totally misshapen from the wash? Check out how crooked the open back netting is. I knew I should have air dried this baby, but I forgot. Now it's totally crooked. I've actually had a few friends tell me they thought it was supposed to be crooked. Nice white lies. Whatever. I'll take it. I'm still gonna wear the darn thing.

Now, let's talk about my GNC obsession.

I'm working on some pretty awesome fitness posts right now, all of which are geared toward getting yourself "Wedding Ready" (or beach ready, vacation ready, whatever your goal is). I've got some "Shake Revolution" posts in the works for snack or meal replacement that's packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins (so it will keep you full and satisfied, meaning less snacking). In anticipation of those recipes, I went on a bit of a binge shopping spree on GNC's website.

You're welcome, GNC.


I have seriously been stalking this shipment in excitement, because I was so pumped about the blender bottles they had on sale at the time.

My total purchase:
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract
  • Mini Blender Bottles (x4)
  • Women's Ultra Mega Vitamin
  • Mega Men Vitamin (For my fiance)
  • Hair, Skin, and Nails Formula
I've been checking online nonstop and the shipment is supposed to arrive today. Here's to health! I'm excited to have multiple blender bottles to use for my protein, fiber, and vitamin mix shake (coming soon).

Anyone else make some impulse purchases lately? Sometimes, I tell myself that, as long as the purchase is going toward my overall health, it's okay. So, this purchase feels like something I should pat myself on the back for!

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