
Kanye's... or Carly's Comprehensive Workout Plan (And How To Build Your Own)

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Many of you have written in asking for my workout plan. Since it was part of my New Years Resolution to actually write out my plan and stick to it, I created a spreadsheet document that includes my workouts. Thus, I'm able to finally share with you a consistent plan!

Workout Schedule - Click image to enlarge.

Here are a few notes for those of you who are either trying to understand this plan or just plain copy it!

  • Choice Days: These are days that I build into my workout routine for two reasons. First, so that I am able to try new things, challenge my body, and keep things fresh. Second, so that I am able to build in optional skip days (See Next Bullet Point). What is a Choice Day, you might ask? On Choice Days, I can do anything. In this workout plan, I've given myself a few workout "suggestions," so that I don't have to think or plan too much... but if I suddenly have the urge to take a boxing class, go on a run, or do yoga, I will absolutely go for it and change things up.
  • Skip Days: During any given week, I can only skip one or two of these Choice Days. I aim to only skip one, but depending on how hard I've been pushing it, sometimes my body needs a bit more time to heal. Thus, out of the three Choice Days I build into my week, I try to skip only one, but sometimes two.
The workouts themselves:
  • Full Body Blast: This is a 30-minute exercise class at my gym that combines cardio with a weighted bar. If you're trying to follow this plan, but do not have a similar class at your gym, try this 25 Minute Full Body Workout with Light Weights.
  • Spinning: This is a 50-minute exercise class at my gym that uses spinning bikes to challenge your muscles and amp up your heart rate. If you can't find a spinning class near you, try the bike version of this Megan Fox butt workout, and try to go through the entire workout twice within 50 minutes two an hour.
  • Bodypump: This is a 60-minute exercise class at my gym that uses moderate weights with high reps, isolating one or two body parts for each song or "track." If you can't find a Bodypump class, I would suggest combining this 25 Minute Full Body Workout, this 10 Minute Full Body Workout, and this 10 Minute Abs Workout.
  • CXWORX: This is a 30-minute exercise class at my gym that focuses entirely on your core (not only abs, but also back and upper legs). If you're looking for something to do that can simulate this class, there are a few options. First if you have Ab Ripper X (from P90X Series) or Core Cardio (from Insanity Series), you can substitute with those. Otherwise, try this Ab Workout.
  • Body By Science: This is the Holy Grail of workouts. There is no replacement, but it's fairly easy to learn. Read about it here.
  • Pilates & Yoga: These are classes at my gym, and I use them almost interchangeably  They are definitely different, but their benefits for me are very similar. They focus on lengthening and strengthening your muscles (whereas a lot of weight lifting will shorten and strengthen). In addition, they help me stretch out and find some mental peace. You can typically find Yoga and Pilates classes online or via your TV provider, but here is a link you can use for free Yoga workouts.
  • Stairmaster Workout: On my Stairmaster days, I use this Stairmaster Sprint Workout.
  • Cardio Mash Up: On my Cardio Mash Up days, I start with the most difficult cardio machine and work my way down, switching machines every 15 minutes. So, I start on the Treadmill for 15 minutes, alternating as I please between sprints and slow jogs. Then, I switch to the Stairmaster and try to build up my pace steadily on there for 15 minutes. Then, I switch to an Elliptical machine and try to go at a solid but steady pace for 15 minutes. Last, I switch to a bike and move at a fast pace for 15 minutes.

I would encourage those of you who are interested in doing something similar to take this template and adjust it to meet your own needs. Here are my rules of thumb for creating your own workout schedule:

  • Give yourself some Choice Days! You need to be able to change it up and surprise your body or you won't continue to see the great results you want!
  • Take a skip day! It's good for you - I promise!
  • Include the following: At least one pure weights day, at least one pure cardio day (I have two), and at least two days of mixed weights and cardio (I have three). Also, try to add at least one day for heavy stretching per week. I occasionally skip this day (bad Carly!), so try to do better than I do!
Looking for additional resources? Check out my fitness page! And don't forget that no fitness plan is complete without a healthy nutrition plan - you can eat through any workout you do if you're not careful!

1 comment:

  1. oh i freaking love this!
    this will come in so handy once im done being pregnant lol.
    super cool idea!

    Redheaded Daybook


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