
So Long, Farewell!

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**Some of you thought the title of this post meant I was leaving the blog world. Psh. Yeah right. You're stuck with me for good!**

My trusty Puma back pack (which I like to pronounce as pack-pack) died a few days ago. The strap just plain old broke. Out of the blue. This was a problem for me.


RIP Dear Puma...

A few days each week, I workout before work. But, there are also about 3 days per week that I go to the gym straight from work. This means that I need to bring my shoes, iPad, workout gear, etc in a bag that is easy to carry. The tiny little Puma back pack was perfect, because it got out of my way and just had a party on my back without ever weighing me down.

So, when I flung it off my back after the gym on Wednesday, and the strap broke, I was sad.

Why, oh why did this happen to you, my dear Puma?!

But then something else crossed my mind: I can get a newer, even better workout back pack. I've been considering this for a while, but had no excuse to buy a new one when my trusty Puma was perfectly functional. This realization made me much happier:


So now, I'm looking around trying to pick a back pack that I'll love. While my last one was quite sporty, I'm considering some more stylish alternatives that have a bit more structure.

Via Nike
Via Urban Outfitters

Via Urban Outfitters
Via Urban Outfitters

What do you think? Which one are you liking?

Anyone else have a good idea of where I should go to purchase something like this?

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