
Speakeasy Party Part 1

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Speakeasy Party Part 1 (You're reading it!)

This weekend, my fiance and I had a Speakeasy Party at our apartment. Early February seemed like the perfect time for it: Christmas and holiday festivities have ended, Chicago is chilly and frequently dreary, and people are looking for something fun to do to break up the season.

Your wish is our command :)

Just before our slew of guests arrived, I snapped this pic of my cousin and me.

And then this little gem with my handsome fiance.

We thought we looked pretty damn good, but then Clara's friends Ryan and Matthew showed up. Let's just say they're both makeup wizards, and they brought this huge box of tools:

Gasp. Perfect timing. Before the rest of our guests arrived, we were pampered and beautified.

And by the end of the night, we had gotten everyone sufficiently sloshed. Mission accomplished, I guess. It's a Speakeasy party, after all.

P.S. I love this man...

I have a bunch of amazing images from the set up and decor, and a delicious 1920s recipe for Champagne punch, all coming at you this week! :)

P.S. I just got nominated for a "Best Healthy Cooking Blog" award! If you like my recipes and want to show me some thanks, head on over to this link to vote for me! You just have to sign in with Facebook or Twitter, and then click Vote next to "Createlive." :)


  1. aw this looks SO Fun! sorry I was sicky and couldn't make it.

    ps, your finance is super handsome :)

    1. I'm sorry you were sicky, too! Next time :)
      PS awwwwwwww shucks!


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